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Mari Ermi Beach


Mari Ermi Beach Vacation & Travel Guide

Mari Ermi is a wild beach in the west of Sardinia, nestled among low vegetation and high dunes bordering the sea.

The entire coastline is covered with unusual white grained stones that shimmer in different colors depending on the time of day. The main component of the stones is quartz, which has been polished over millennia by the environment and acquired smooth edges. In gusty winds, salt dunes appear to form from granular particles. It’s hard to walk on such a surface – the leg sinks. The beach belongs to the protected area – it is forbidden to take out quartz grains.

The water is crystal clear, transparent, green, and blue; the sea is shallow, the coastline is wide and long. The bottom is shallow; the depth increases gradually. Marie-Hermey is ideal for families with a child. It is a popular tourist destination during the summer months of the year. There is a spacious parking lot near the beach, a campground. It is calm here at any time of the day.


Beach infrastructure

Beach Loungers


There are usually quite a few people on the Mari Ermi from September to July.

Mari Ermi Beach Weather

The period from May to October is the most favorable for visiting Italy in terms of climate. The temperature of the air and water become ideal for a classic beach holiday, for which they go to the coast of Italy. However, one should remember that the long summer with the scorching sun, warm sea, and pleasant sea breeze attracts crowds of tourists.

Air and water temperature

From June to September the air temperature at Mari Ermi is perfect for sunbathing.

The swimming season at Mari Ermi occurs from July to September, when the water is warm and comfortable for swimming.

Average Monthly Rainy Days

Mari Ermi rarely experiences rain from June to August. Generally, the weather is good.

Sports on the Beach



Equipment for rent



How to get to the Mari Ermi

You can get to the beach by rented or private car. Marie-Hermey is a 10-minute drive from Oristano. The beach is popular with surfing, windsurfing, and other active water sports.

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